A Flash of Lightning
I see a flash of lightning piercing through the darkness
Amidst the heavy rains pouring like the tears from the heavens
As it storms, the cold unforgiving night gets darker
The voice of the rain even louder
As I pass through the ominous grey woods
I hear the howling of the wolves from a distance
Like a warning call to depart home
I feel these tears from the high above, flowing through my arms and
And shivering winds wrapping firm my soul
But I still walk past the menacing blue forest
As I still follow, a flash of lighting piercing through the darkness
The brash thunder and the predators howling, play as music to my ears
The night gets ever colder, with the shivering darkness surrounding my
I still walk ahead towards a flash of lighting in the darkness
The rains still pouring, wolves howling and the cold night frightening
I stare at my soul, I see the darkness, but there is a flash of lightning, calling me for my quest.
- Roopesh Kumar
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